Chocolate: Sweet secrets for beautiful healthy hair

6th March 2024
Eating Chocolate is good for your hair! And no, we’re not just saying that to give ourselves an excuse to eat all our easter chocolate in one go! There’s real science behind it, promise!

The key is dark chocolate, which is full of hidden goodness.


Firstly, dark chocolate contains lots of important nutrients such as copper, zinc and iron. These are all great for blood circulation, and therefore play a vital role in maintaining healthy hair follicles and promoting hair growth.


Copper also helps with collagen production, which you may know is a protein which supports healthy skin, hair and nails.


In 28g of dark chocolate, there is 20% of your recommended daily iron, 25% of your copper, and 5% of your zinc. Amazing!



Next up, antioxidants. Cocoa beans are packed with antioxidants. Why is this important? Well, antioxidants fight ‘free radicals’ (the pesky little things that cause oxidative stress and cause us to age, therefore leaving your hair dull and brittle). So more antioxidants = less oxidative stress = healthy and beautiful hair!



Lastly, chocolate is great for stress relief. You know that feeling of happiness you get when eating chocolate? Well, chocolate consumption is linked to the release of endorphins (the happy hormones), thus alleviating stress and promoting relaxation. Stress can be a one-way ticket to hair loss and damage, so a little chocolate every now and then might just indirectly help your hair out, too!


On top of that, dark chocolate contains serotonin, a natural antidepressant that can improve your mood. Win-win!

Now, we are not experts and don’t want to give you a load of unsolicited health advice. It’s important to have a balanced diet, and eat what works for you. However, now you know the hidden goodness in dark chocolate, we hope you will have no guilt next time you treat yourself to a square (or 5)!